Tuesday 19 February 2013

Brief 4: Lottery

As I am proposing that It's Nice That run a 'Creative Lottery' I have defined the word lottery to ensure the name is suited. I have also researched into how the national lottery runs to see if I can take any elements of this and apply it to the creative lottery.

I have analysed this lottery ticket I purchased to see what I communicates to the reader. The ticket gives the reader their lucky numbers and the date of the draw on the front. It also gives details of the 'rules and procedures', how to play and how to claim the prize if you are successful as a winner. I need to consider what information I need to include on the ticket in order to effectively communicate the 'creative lottery' to students.

The creative lottery will be a version of this, but rather than the numbers being picked on a weekly basis a winning code will already be selected before the codes are released. This will ensure the creative lottery is easy and simple for students to participate in.